

Ready Set ASPIRE, formerly known as ASPIRE Relationship Education, was founded in 2015 with a profound mission: to invest time, energy, and resources into inspiring hope, creating a culture of respect, supporting healthy lives, and helping people become who they ASPIRE to be. As optimal health advocates, our organization seeks to educate, equip, and empower individuals through holistic relationship education. In today's rapidly changing world, we believe it is more important than ever to empower young people to develop a deep understanding of healthy relationships with themselves and others.

Through collaboration with schools, clubs, community organizations, families, and mentors, Ready Set ASPIRE delivers holistic relationship education and community empowerment initiatives. Our programs are designed to provide individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the complex landscape of relationships. We utilize a primary prevention health model and social-emotional learning techniques to educate, equip, and empower individuals to fully comprehend the interconnected parts of relationships with others and themselves.

First starting as the prevention program through Pregnancy Services of Greater Lansing in 1992, our flagship program, SMART (Sexually Mature Aware Responsible Teens), has been serving the Greater Lansing area for over 30 years. SMART delivers a powerful message of hope to youth in a culture where teen sex has become normalized and many of the negative outcomes on optimal health have been trivialized. We share medically-accurate, evidence-based information that supports the health benefits of Sex Risk Avoidance while also encouraging Sexual Risk Reduction methods for those who are sexually active or plan to be.

Our program participants demonstrate increased knowledge, skill confidence, and an overall appreciation for the information shared throughout our time together. Through our efforts, we aim to reduce the risks associated with teen sexual activity, including unplanned pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, we strive to create a strong awareness of the connection between teh quality of our relationships and the trajectory of our future.

Ready Set ASPIRE is a Christian-led organization with a strong commitment to serving all people well, within our organzation and all thorughout the communities we serve. Our programs are designed to serve individuals ages 12 and up, encompassing individuals of all races, abilities, gender identities, sexual orientations, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultures. We firmly believe that everyone, no matter their circumstances, deserves and can have healthy relationships with themselves and others.

Our various program topics cover a wide range of subjects. From sexual delay and risk avoidance to goal setting, positive choices, healthy versus unhealthy relationships, childhood sexual abuse prevention and awareness, and social-emotional learning, we offer a holistic curriculum that addresses the multifaceted aspects of relationships. We also emphasize the importance of creating a culture of respect and fostering positive connections.

Ready Set ASPIRE is not just our name; it is a movement. We are dedicated to breaking the cycle of mental, emotional, social, and spiritual poverty and empowering individuals and the communities they occupy to reach their full potential. By setting high expectations and providing the necessary information and tools, we position individuals (especially youth and their families) to thrive.